Funding & Fees - External Charities and Grants
You can find below a list of charities and grants who may be able to help you towards your College fees. Click on each to find out more and go to their site. If you would like further information, you can email our student advice desk via info@bathcollege.ac.uk
- Vocational Grants from Wiltshire Community Foundation
You may be eligible for a grant towards the additional costs of your course, such as equipment and books if you meet the following criteria:
aged 16-25 have lived in Wiltshire Council or the Swindon Borough Council for at least the last 2 years- your parents/carers are in receipt of means-tested benefits (if you are living at home) or
- you are in receipt of means-tested benefits if you are living independently
- Turn2Us
Turn 2 Us helps people access the money available to them – through welfare benefits, grants and other financial help. www.turn2us.org.uk
- Family Welfare Association
Grants for Young people aged between 19 and 25. These are to support young people who are living alone, with clothing and general household needs. www.family-action.org.uk
- St Johns Hospital
Grants for individuals who live within the City of Bath boundaries. www.stjohnsbath.org.uk
- WISE - Women Into Science & Technology
If you are a woman and interested training for a career in science, technology, engineering, or maths you may be able to get a grant from WISE. http://www.wisecampaign.org.uk/women/networks
- Thomas Wall Trust
This trust looks to help people pursue technical or skill based training which can improve their job prospects. http://thomaswalltrust.org.uk
- Buttle UK
Buttle UK offers grants to young people to ensure a successful education. Small grants are available to help buy items such as beds and cookers. www.buttleuk.org/
Student and Trainees programme can help students aged 16-20 (particularly those estranged from parents) by funding course fees, field trips and basic living costs.
Access to the Future programme – improving employability of the most disadvantaged 18-25 year olds. Customised help for training, clothing, licenses, even starting a business.
- The Dyke Exhibition Foundation
(For HE or Access to HE students) Educational grants between £100 and £300 per year for up to three years. Preference to applicants who are, or are about to become, undergraduates of any university and those most in need. Grants are available for students under 25 who were born in Somerset, Devon or Cornwall and who have lived within the area for the past three years or who have been educated in the area for the past years.
To request an application form send a stamped s.a.e. to: Christopher Stanley-Smith, 4th Floor, The Paragon, Counterslip, Bristol, BS1 6BX - Forms received by end of February will be considered in April.
- The Foundation of St Matthias
Grants are awarded for accredited qualifications, for the training of social workers, community workers, youth workers, and teachers. Also considered for the study of music and the arts. Grants are available for students from Bath & Wells, Bristol and Gloucester, in higher, further and continuing education. http://www.stmatthiastrust.org.uk/index.php
- Keyford Education Foundation
This foundation can help young people aged up to 25 who live in the parishes of Frome or Selwood.
- Elmgrant Trust
Grants to individuals living in South-West England. It aims to improve the quality of local life and welfare through education, the arts and social sciences. Includes the counties of Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, Dorset, Wiltshire and Gloucestershire. http://www.elmgrant.org.uk/
- Old British School Charity
Students under 25 in need of financial assistance. Live within a radius of 20 miles from Bratton, Wiltshire. Bursaries and maintenance allowances, equipment, books, travel. Email: enquiries@bfss.org.uk
- York Consortium for Conservation and Craftsmanship
Apply in October for following year. Awards individual bursaries up to £1500 to assist an existing craftsmen or conservator to extend his/her skills and/or knowledge. No geographical restriction, but preference given to people from or aiming to work in York. http://www.conservationyork.org.uk/bursaries-grants.aspx
- Christine Brown Trust
Students under 19 who are exceptionally talented and in financial hardship meaning they are unable to meet the expenses of learning may be eligible or some funding. http://www.christinebrowntrust.org.uk/funding-for-music.php
- St Monica Trust
Financial help if you are aged 40+ and have a physical disability or long-term physical health problem. http://www.stmonicatrust.org.uk/what-we-do/community-fund/individuals-and-families
- Websites for Single Parents
One Space
www.onespace.org.uk/home - A useful website offering advice on money to single parents
Money survival kit for single parents: http://recession.onespace.org.uk
www.yourhorizons.com - Education and training grants for lone parents.
- Do you want to Join the Army?
You can apply for funding to support you while you are at college. Visit the Army website to find out more www.army.mod.uk
- The Eaton Fund
This fund can help artists, nurses and women aged 18 and over experiencing hardship. Click their website for further information www.eaton-fund.co.uk
- Mayor of Bath Relief Fund
This fund is for Bath residents in need of hardship. Click here for more information about Mayor of Bath’s Relief Fund