Governance and Reports
We are delighted you want to find out about the Corporation and hope you will find what you need here. If you would like more information, please contact the Head of Governance, Emma Roberts (emma.roberts@bathcollege.ac.uk) who will be happy to provide it.
The Governing Body (known formally as the Corporation) of Bath College is composed of 15 Members with a broad range of skills and experience, advised by an independent Head of Governance. The Corporation is an exempt charity for the purposes of schedule 3 to the Charities Act 2011.
The Governing Body meets regularly (generally seven meetings in each College year including a strategy away day) to consider the strategic direction of the College, to undertake systematic monitoring of College and management performance, and to receive and act on compliance reports.
Meetings of the Governing Body are planned and well-attended by enthusiastic and committed Governors.
Members have informal contact with College life through visits to curriculum areas, attendance at prize giving and awards events, exhibitions and shows.
Governing Body Members have a strong commitment to continuous improvement in their own work as governors and conduct a self-evaluation of their performance.
- How to become a Governor
Why should you join?
The Corporation of Bath College provides a rewarding and enjoyable experience.
By joining the Corporation you can make a real difference to the learning experiences and opportunities for the community. You can impact directly on the development of the current and future skills required by local employers and local industry.
Who is on the Corporation?
Enthusiastic and dedicated members of the community from all walks of life: business, community, public sector, staff and students.
How does the Corporation work?
Governors work as a team to take the College forward, providing supportive challenge to the College management.
Your Commitment
Governors normally attend around seven early evening meetings a year. Meetings are usually on Mondays at 5.00pm.
The Process
The Governance and Search Committee considers potential Corporation members before they are proposed to the Corporation.
Further Information
Please contact Emma Roberts, Head of Governance by email (emma.roberts@bathcollege.ac.uk) for further information about joining as a Governor.
- Governor Core Facts
The aim of this section is to explain Bath College’s approach to college governance and to describe the work of the Governing Body. The Governing Body (known formally as the Corporation) of Bath College is composed of 15 Members with a broad range of skills and experience, advised by an independent Clerk. The Governing Body meets regularly to consider the strategic direction of the College, to undertake systematic monitoring of College and management performance, and to receive and act on compliance reports. Meetings of the Governing Body are planned and well-attended by enthusiastic and committed Governors. Members have informal contact with College life through visits to curriculum areas, attendance at prize giving and awards events, exhibitions and shows. Governing Body Members have a strong commitment to continuous improvement in their own work as governors and conduct a self-evaluation of their performance.
What does the Corporation do?
Under the Instrument and Articles of Government which govern its operation and functions, the Governing Body i.e. the Corporation, is responsible for:
New Members of the Governing Body
The Governance & Search Committee of the Governing Body assists with the identification and recommendation of new Members of the Governing Body. The selection of new Members by the Governance & Search Committee is undertaken under a policy of seeking to match the Governing Body’s needs (in terms of skills, expertise, community knowledge, personal skills) with expressed individual interest or nomination (where this is provided for in the Instrument of Government).
Anyone wishing to be considered to be a new Member of the Governing Body should contact the Head of Governance in the first instance.
New Members of the Governing Body participate in a formal induction programme and are issued with a College Induction Pack.
The Chair/Vice Chair of the Corporation
The position of Chair and Vice Chair of the Governing Body is determined at the last meeting of the Governing Body in the preceding College year. The current Chair of the Corporation is Andy Salmon (appointed April 2021) and there are two Vice Chairs: Neil Wilson and Victoria Downing-Burn.
Correspondence for the Chair and Vice Chair should be sent to the Head of Governance.
Head of Governance
The Head of Governance is Emma Roberts.
Emma can be contacted at Bath College by email (emma.roberts@bathcollege.ac.uk). Emma is normally in the office on Mondays and Fridays.
Membership Framework
The overall membership of the Governing Body currently is 15.
Membership is composed as follows:
External Governors x 11
Staff Members x 1
Student Members x 2
Principal and Chief Executive x 1Membership is voluntary and unpaid. The term for governors is 4 years, apart from staff or students if their time at the college ends before this time is up.
We also have Associate Governors who join us for 1 year to bring specialist expertise in certain areas.
The minutes of meetings of the Governing Body (other than items designated as ‘confidential’ – which are kept to a minimum) are available, when approved, from the Head of Governance, and are placed on the college website. Attendance by members at meetings is recorded and monitored. An annual schedule of all Governing Body and committee meetings is produced.
The Governing Body has three committees and two working groups:
- Senior Staff Performance and Remuneration Committee
- Curriculum and Quality Committee and Finance and Resources Committee
- Finance & Estates Working Group
- Audit Committee
- Governance & Search Committee
- Sustainability Working Group
The Governing Body has incorporated these principles in its Members’ Code of Conduct. All Members are required to complete a Register of Interests. This Register may be referred to by arrangement with the Head of Governance.
The Corporation’s work is designed to:
make sure the college thrives as an organisation whilst maintaining prudent control of its funds and assets; ensure that student success is as good as it can be; set the strategy of the college whilst also monitoring shorter term goals and plans; help the college respond to local requirements within the context of regional and national needs.The Second Report of the Nolan Committee on Standards in Public Life recommends that college governing body act within seven principles of public life: