Meet the Governors
Sandra Prail
- External Governor and Chair of the Corporation
Victoria Downing-Burn
- External Governor and Joint Vice Chair
Victoria is Chair of the Senior Staff Performance & Remuneration Committee and the People Working Group , and a member of the Governance & Search Committee. She is Director of Workforce Strategy at the Somerset Integrated Care Board.
Specialist Areas of Knowledge
HR and OD strategy and policy, strategic workforce planning; inclusion and culture, staff engagement, and health and wellbeing.
Committees - Finance and Resources (Deputy Chair), Governance
Martin Sim
- Principal and CEO
Committees - Governance, Quality and Curriculum
Adam Gould
- External Governor
Adam is a qualified accountant and a member of the Finance & Estates Working Group. He is senior internal auditor at the University of Bath.
Specialist Areas of Knowledge
Audit & Finance
Committees - Audit (Deputy Chair)
Robert Rashley
- Staff Governor
Bob is the Course Coordinator for Part-Time and Distance Learning. He is a member of the Staff Wellbeing and Somer Valley Working Groups. As Staff Governor, Bob's role is to represent the views of the staff community at Board.
Committees - Quality and Curriculum
- Student Governor
Lisa Ford
- External Governor
Lisa is a qualified accountant working for Bath & North East Somerset Council.
Specialist Areas of Knowledge
Committees - Finance and Resources (Chair)
Patrick Weidikj
Patrick is an experienced pragmatic leader of multinational, multicultural and multi professional teams with a proven track record of optimisation, benefit realisation and transformational change. Bringing significant experience leading and working with senior stakeholders and passionate about coaching people to achieve their full potential and a member of the Academy Ambassadors Programme, Patrick is working with Bath College to challenge the use of innovation, efficiency and agile techniques to promote improvement.
Committees - Audit
Paul Conroy
Passionate about leveraging education as a powerful catalyst for social mobility and sustainability, Paul is a dynamic and visionary senior leader with over 25 years of experience in training and education. Paul is committed to continuing his ambition of driving transformative educational initiatives that empower individuals and organisations to achieve their full potential while making a positive impact whilst working as a Governor at Bath College.
Committees - Curriculum and Quality
Marie-Claire Haines
With experience ranging from developing and implementing company secretarial systems of support, to data protection and HR advice, Marie-Claire brings wide-ranging experiences and a unique and specialised insight into governance frameworks. Marie Claire aims to ensure every organisation she works with succeeds in what they do and brings this ambition to her work with Bath College. Marie-Claire is our safeguarding link governor.
Committees - Audit, Curriculum and Quality
Patrick Coxen
- External Governor
Patrick is CEO of Cornerstone PLC. Pat started his career in the British Army, serving for 15 years in the Royal Signals in Telecommunications and Cyber Security and the Royal Engineers in various roles before working at British Airways and then moving into telecommunications.
Committees - Audit (Chair), Governance
Mark Johnston
- External Governor
Mark is a member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants and currently works as a Finance Director at Dyson. Previously Mark has worked for AstraZeneca in roles across the finance organisation both within the UK and internationally.
Committees - Finance and Resources
Chris Simmons
- External Governor
Chris is a member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants and is currently a Group finance lead with BT Group PLC. Chris has a wealth of experience in financial growth programmes, transformative change and across public and private sector starting life in the NHS.
Michelle Crew-Gee
- External Governor
Michelle is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants and Director of Finance Transformation for Screwfix Ltd. Michelle has vast experience in the fields of financial management, financial transformation and change; in a range of sectors including a period with Unite Students.
Committees - Audit
Emma Roberts
- Director of Corporate Governance
As Director of Corporate Governance, Emma is responsible for giving advice and and guidance to the Corporation Board and Principal/CEO. Emma is a qualified Governance Professional and Company Secretary, with a strong background and experiences working across many different sectors.
Specialist Areas of Knowledge