Making the decision to move on from school is an important moment in a young person’s development. It also represents a change for many parents and carers from the familiar relationship they have built up with schools throughout their child’s education. We welcome the chance to work alongside parents and carers to support young people during their time at college and hope these pages explain a little more about the students’ experience. Use the drop downs below to see the answers to Frequently Asked Questions, and access more resources.
- A Quick Guide to Education & Qualifications
There have been a number of changes to education and qualifications which will affect your son/daughter’s post-16 education. Our guide will give you the details of these changes.
Parents Guide to Edcuation & Qualifications
- How is my child's progress monitored?
Each student is accepted onto a course for a 6 week probationary period. During this period they will undertake a range of assignments and will need to demonstrate a commitment to their course through good attendance, punctuality and effort. Their progress will be monitored by their tutor. After 6 weeks their tutor will undertake a formal review with the student and, as long as the student is making satisfactory progress, will confirm their place on the course. If a student is not succeeding on a course, we will invite you in to meet with the tutor and Head of Department to discuss alternatives that may be more appropriate. Each student will meet with their tutor 5 times during the year to set targets and review their progress. You will receive a written progress review at least three times per year.
You will be invited to attend a consultation evening with lecturers and tutors to discuss your son or daughter’s progress.
- How are my child's views heard?
We strongly believe in the value of listening to our students. Each course has a course rep and a Students Union Executive is elected to represent students’ views. Two students are Governors of the College, one attends the Senior Leadership Group meetings monthly, and students sit on the Equality and Diversity and Health and Safety committees. Students are encouraged to provide feedback on their course and the College and are given the chance to meet each term with the principal and senior managers to discuss concerns. If you have any comments or queries, please do not hesitate to contact your son or daughter’s tutor, or call the Student Advice Centre on 01225 312191.
- What is Bath College's approach to bullying & harrassment?
At Bath College we have a zero tolerance approach of bullying & harassment. At their induction we give students information about what to do if they feel they are being bullied or harassed. We have a Safeguarding Team who can support and advise students. We do not tolerate bullying or harassment and will address incidents quickly.
If you have any concerns relating to bullying and harassment, please contact our Student Welfare Team via safe@bathcollege.ac.uk
- How is absence and punctuality monitored?
High levels of attendance and punctuality are essential if a student is to succeed on their course. We monitor absences and punctuality very closely and will use our tutorial support system or conduct procedure to address any problems with these. Our experience tells us that students are unlikely to achieve their potential if their attendance and punctuality are poor.
- Does Bath College offer any financial support?
The College can help students apply for financial support:
Learner Support Fund Guaranteed bursaryMore detailed information is available in the student funding section of this site.
The Learner Support Fund helps students from families with a low income. It can be used to buy resources, books, equipment or sometimes to pay for travel costs. The guaranteed bursary is for students who are in care, care leavers, receiving income support or both ESA and DLA.
Travel costs
We have range of travel support options, you can find out more about these by visiting our Getting to College page, or email your queries direct to info@bathcollege.ac.uk.
- What Additional Learning Support is available?
At Bath College, we are really proud of the range of Additional Learning Support we can provide. We have a range of SEND courses and facilities, as well as a dedicated in house team, who are on hand to provide in and out of lesson support to all students who need it. To find out best how we can help your child, please email our Learning Support team directly using the email below.
- 14 - 16 Provision
Bath College may take 14-16-year-old students by referral from their school or academy. The College then works with parents and prospective students to complete and application form. The courses are in-fill into over 16 courses and cover a broad range of areas and subjects.
If your child is registered for Elective Home Education (EHE), the current College Policy is that we do not run this provision, although we are currently reviewing this for future academic years.
Please talk to your child’s school if this is relevant to your situation.
More info and useful resources