Creative Writing - Advanced Workshop (23/24)

Course Overview

Join Claire Beauchamp to delve deeper into the skills and techniques needed to further develop your creative writing ideas.

This courses follows on from the Autumn term Creative Writing course and is ideal for those of you who have completed the first course with Clare.

This course will run fortnightly, starting in January 2024.

What topics are covered?

Structure and technique for different forms of writing, genre, development of ideas, style, editing and routes into publishing.

Interested in applying?

Enrolments for this course are currently closed, this may be due to the courses being full, or we may be confirming times and dates. You can register your interest in this leisure course by clicking the button below, and we can confirm any future start dates

Course Details

Course Type: Love2Learn

Frequently asked questions

Join Claire Beauchamp to delve deeper into the skills and techniques needed to further develop your creative writing ideas.

This courses follows on from the Autumn term Creative Writing course and is ideal for those of you who have completed the first course with Clare.

This course will run fortnightly, starting in January 2024.

Suitable for beginners and there will be sufficient scope for more experienced writers to develop and improve their work.
The course tutor will offer instruction in form, style, genre, and structure with examples given. Students will engage in writing exercises and receive feedback, editing advice, and reflection on their work. Session times will include opportunities for independent writing which will form the focus for group an individual critiques.
Writing materials or tablet/laptop if you prefer
If you have specific queries about course delivery or content, it is recommended you speak to a tutor before enrolling.

The aim of the course is for students to acquire creative writing skills. You will be offered a chance to study different techniques for developing a variety of ideas and will be encouraged to critique your own work along with the work of others.

This is a practical course covering all the aspects of writing from character creation, story development and final edit. Designed to infuse confidence and good writing practice for aspiring writers.