PfA (Pathways for Adulthood) (25/26)

Course Overview

Our Pathways for Adulthood (PfA Pre-Entry) takes place at our Wellow House SEND Centre at our Somer Valley Campus, where you will have access to an accessible kitchen, in-house flat, sensory room, and de-escalation room. Our learning is structured around the individual, and is based on each learners Education, Health and Care Plan (ECHP) outcomes. Learners can stay on PfA for 1 to 3 years depending on progress.

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Course Details

Course Type: Full Time Study Programme
Campus: Main Reception, Midford Building, Somer Valley Campus
Level: Entry level.

Frequently asked questions

Our Pathways for Adulthood (PfA Pre-Entry) takes place at our Wellow House SEND Centre at our Somer Valley Campus, where you will have access to an accessible kitchen, in-house flat, sensory room, and de-escalation room. Our learning is structured around the individual, and is based on each learners Education, Health and Care Plan (ECHP) outcomes. Learners can stay on PfA for 1 to 3 years depending on progress.
There are no formal entry requirements for this programme although you must have an EHCP.
You will follow a curriculum designed around preparation for adulthood and making good choices for your life. Each year the programme is developed around the class and your individual interests and needs. Our practical sessions include art, dance, sport, cooking, music, performing arts and sensory workshops. We also look to get you out into the local community. PfA is aimed at young people with profound and multiple learning disabilities who are working at Pre-Entry level.
You will learn by undertaking a range of practical, community, and classroom based activities. We track your progress using RARPA (Recognising and Recording Progress and Achievement). you will be assessed during the first term and are then be set individualised targets linked to the outcomes identified in your EHCPs. These targets are reviewed termly.
Our aim is for you to leave the course with the skills and knowledge that will enable you to live a healthy and fulfilling adult life. You can progress onto a community-based transition package and or onto our Life and Independent Living Skills programme.
No additional costs.