The Flowershop
At Bath College we have a flowershop, with flowers grown, arranged and curated by our Floristry Students, under the supervision of our Floristry tutors. All designs are made to the highest standard, and are available to purchase. We will have a fully functioning online flower shop coming soon, where you can place orders. Due to the pandemic we can only take orders via email, although we hope to have our physical shop up and running again soon.
Our staff and students provide excellent customer service. We listen to your needs and try to interpret your every wish into our designs. The Flower Shop is run by Level 2 and Level 3 Floristry students who are taught to the highest standard and will be involved with designing your order. All designs are then quality controlled by the lecturer before being ready for collection.
Our Floristry team have given our the students skills to help them to exhibit at prestigious events. They have won awards at RHS shows such as Chelsea, Tatton as well as Hampton Court.
Times of service
The Flower Shop is open term-time only. We need you to place your order at least a week before you want to collect your design. This allows us to get the best possible colours and flowers from Holland. You will need to pay with your order either at the Flower Shop workroom or in The College reception. Collection of your design can be from these two places too. If you would like us to supply arrangements for your event or party, please come and talk to us at least one month in advance of the event.
For further information or to discuss your order, please call 01225 328523 or email TheFlowerShop@bathcollege.ac.uk.