Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
At Bath College, we are committed to maintaining a respectful community where all of our students and staff can learn develop and grow within a dignified and safe place. We are proud to be a college that is chosen by people from a wide range of backgrounds. We are determined to recognise the diversity of our staff and students and celebrate it.
We work with parents, students and community partners to ensure we are fair. The College expects all of our staff, students and partners to work together to challenge all forms of discrimination and harassment.
Our policies and practice welcome and support the protected characteristics set out in The Equality Act 2010:
- Age
- Gender reassignment (transgender)
- Race
- Pregnancy/Maternity leave
- Sexual Orientation
- Disability
- Marriage/Civil Partnership
- Religion or belief
- Sex
If you feel we are not living up to this policy, or you are pleased to see that we do, please tell us by contacting Robbie Popejoy, Deputy Designated Safeuguarding Lead, on 01225 328 349 or email rob.popejoy@bathcollege.ac.uk
Bath College Values & British Values
At Bath College, our way of working, our policies and procedures, teaching and learning and support for the individual are consistent with the British Values defined by the Government as:
- Democracy – Democracy can be seen as a state of society characterised by equality of rights and privileges. It can also refer to our nation’s electoral systems.
- The Rule of Law – All people and institutions are subject to and accountable to law that is fairly applied and enforced.
- Individual Liberty – Individual liberty suggests the free exercise of rights generally seen as outside Government control.
- Mutual Respect – The proper regard for an individual’s dignity, which is reciprocated.
- Tolerance for those of different faiths and beliefs – A fair, objective, and permissive attitude to those whose faith and beliefs and non-beliefs may differ from one’s own.
These values are embedded into the ethos of the College and we expect all staff, whatever their role, to exemplify these values. We want our students to develop an understanding of the values through their whole learning experience – through teaching and learning sessions, independent study, tutorials, enrichment and extra-curricular opportunities and wider cross College events.
Bath College is committed to working in partnership with agencies focused on supporting our students and staff and celebrating their diversity.
The Armed Forces Covenant
On the 5th July 2023, Bath College Principal Jayne Davis me with Royal Air Force, Wing Commander Alex Drake to sign the Armed Forces Covenant. The Armed Forces Covenant is a pledge of commitment to honour & respect the Armed Forces community. With our pledge we have committed to support the employment of Armed Forces Veterans, as well as support the employment of service spouses and partners, and members of the Reserve Forces, by offering flexibility & leave for deployments.
*Please note: The signed agreement is an scan, therefore an image only PDF. Image only PDF's are not accessible for screen readers. If you would like to read the agreement, please contact marketing@bathcollege.ac.uk for a free posted copy.
Policies & Documents
The college has identified a number of equality objectives for the four year period April 2020 to April 2024. In summary, these are:
- Bath College will develop an equality analysis process to ensure the interests of people with protected characteristics are considered as part of the decision-making process.
- Bath College will further promotion and advancement of the voice, views and support for those learners and staff who are disabled, including hidden disability or who have mental health needs.
- Bath College will continue to reduce the achievement gap for all groups of learners so that achievement stays in line with or exceeds national achievement rates and that no learners are disadvantaged due to an identifiable characteristic and barriers to individual progression are removed.
- Bath College will increase staff confidence to disclose their protected characteristics, particularly disability, transgender, religion and belief and sexual orientation.
- Bath College will develop staff confidence to discuss protected characteristics and support learns through the promotion of our values.
If you feel we are not living up to this policy, or you are pleased to see that we do, please tell us by contacting Robbie Popejoy, Deputy Designated Safeuguarding Lead, on 01225 328 349 or email rob.popejoy@bathcollege.ac.uk