Welcome to Bath College Students' Union
Welcome to Bath College, and welcome to Bath College Students' Union. The Students' Union are a group of elected students who run activities, parties, events, help you get amazing discounts, and, most importantly, represent you. Keep scrolling to find out more about the SU, find out who your representatives are, and how you can get involved. We also have Welfare and Support links for you to access when you need support, and you can follow us on social media to keep up to date with all the goings on in your Students' Union!
About us - Who we are
The Students’ Union is a team of students who take positive action and make decisions to improve the college for everyone.
This includes:
- Organising fun events and activities
- Representing all students at the college
- Being actively involved in how the college is run and decision making
- Promoting student discounts

Would you like to become a part of the Bath College Student Union team for the 2023/24 academic year? We're looking for proactive and passionate individuals to fill five exciting roles in our Student Union team. These roles are; Green Officer, Inclusion Officer, Higher Education Officer, Events & Activities Officer & Equality & Diversity Officer. Nominations will be open until Friday 19th May, so ensure you nominate yourself before the deadline. If you'd like an informal chat about a role you can email Caroline, via caroline.jarosz@bathcollege.ac.uk - to nominate, use the big Nominate Now button below!

More Information
- Get Involved
Every enrolled student at Bath College automatically becomes a member of the Students’ Union and is entitled to get involved in everything we put on or have a say in how we are run. If you don’t want to be part of something special, let us know and you can opt out. Being part of the Students Union doesn’t cost you anything.
There are lots of ways that you can get involved and help make the college an even better place to study!
- Societies - Why not join one of our student-led societies, or if there isn’t one that suits your interests then how about setting one up with the help of the Student Union Team?
- Events and Campaigns - We run lots of campaigns aimed at bringing you useful information and fun activities, so why not come along and join in? Even better- come and give us a helping hand!
- Learner Voice - We want to hear what is working well for you at college and what we need to do to make it even better, so join in with our learner voice sessions and have your say. Maybe you would like to represent your group by becoming a course rep and sharing their opinions with others who can make changes happen.
- Student Union Team - our Student Union Team are elected by the students and so they really understand what it is like to be a student and how to make improvements. If you think you could do the same, you could run for one of the Student Union Team roles and really make a difference by helping organise events, campaigns and open events.
- We LOVE to volunteer and always have a variety of projects that suit different people. Being a volunteer is a fantastic opportunity to meet new people, make friends, give something to the local community and gain valuable skills for your CV!
- Have your say
Your voice matters! We want to hear what is working well for you at college and what needs changing too. Here’s how:
- Learner Voice - We want to hear what is working well for you at college and what we need to do to make it even better, so join in with our learner voice sessions and have your say. Maybe you would like to represent your group by becoming a course rep and sharing their opinions with others who can make changes happen.
- Talk to one of the Student Union Team to share your thoughts on how we can improve our services for students
- Student Union Elections - the Student Union Officers are voted in by the students and are there to represent the students by helping organise social events, awareness campaigns and by raising money for good causes. Think you could do the same- then come and join us!
- Support & Wellbeing
Bath College Student Welfare team is a group of Welfare Officers, Counsellors, College Nurses, the Chaplain and a Designated Teacher who are all here to support you in a variety of ways during your time at Bath College.
The Welfare Officers will often be your first point of contact when in need of support. You can make contact either by email (safe@bathcollege.ac.uk), by talking to your tutor or coming to see any of the friendly team in their offices across both our campuses. We are a listening ear, an advocate, a mentor, a safeguarding officer and practical skills enablers. With us, you will be able to access a variety of support mechanisms, and often we will signpost and, if you wish, help refer you to external agencies such as Social Care, CAMHS, your GP and a whole range of bespoke support services. We can also put you in touch with our counsellors at ‘Off the Record’, should you wish to access specialised counselling support.
Students may also want to contact us if they are a looked after child, adopted, a young carer, young parent or involved with Social Care in some way. If you have ever been in Social Care, we have a Designated Teacher who can offer both academic and welfare support that is personalised to meet your needs.
The college Nurse is here to provide health check-ups and assessments, practical advice on how to contact your GP, sexual health information and advice, and discussions around sleep hygiene and healthy eating. You can access the College Nurse through the Student Welfare team, emailing nurse@bathcollege.ac.uk or by messaging 07967 837053 (City Centre) or 07810 851061 (Somer Valley).
We also have a college Chaplain. They are here to provide spiritual support for all faiths and none; this means everyone! The chaplain will run various events throughout the college year as well as offering one to one support pastorally. They also run a variety of social clubs to discuss the deep topics of life, especially around religious ideas and beliefs.
In summary, the Student Welfare Team is here to be the first port of call for any welfare needs, ranging from safeguarding worries to mentoring, practical listening support, financial and careers help, faith support and mental health advice. To find out more about each area and to view our important documents about Welfare and Safeguarding, use the button below.
- Important Documents
You can find all the important Student Union documents here, we'll update these regularly, but if you have any questions about their content you can contact us by emailing studentsunion@bathcollege.ac.uk, or pop into the Student Union Office (we have one on each Campus).
Student Code of Conduct
(we are currently updating our code of conduct, please check back later)
Contact Us
You can get in contact with us on social media, or via email studentsunion@bathcollege.ac.uk. Or you can pop into the Student Union Office (situated in the Student Union) on either campus.