Welcome to the West of England Institute of Technology (WEIoT). As the world evolves, and technology develops at a heightened pace, it's important we prepare the next generation with higher technical skills to enhance productivity and growth.
The WEIoT will allow you to experience the latest technological innovations, in a truly groundbreaking fashion. Our region has a thriving Digital Scene and through our Employer Network, we can support you in accessing developmental opportunities and help you to a dream career.

- What is an Institute of Technology?
Institutes of Technology are funded by the Government to support local employers to create training, learning and professional development in the key area of technical education focused on level 4 and 5. These higher technical skills will enable more employers to embrace the changes brought by digitalisation and the industrial 4.0 revolution. In order to compete in a global market we must have more of our workforce able to operate in this space, and the Institutes of Technology are designed to create that future workforce ready for the challenges of tomorrow.
- Why study at an IoT?
IoT's offer an alternative to Universities by specialising in delivering higher level technical training. This method of study offers a route to young people taking T Levels or A Levels to move on to higher level technical education and will set them on the path to high skilled careers. IoT's also cater for those who are already in employment looking to develop new skills or adult learners who want to access further training.
- What sectors does the West of England Institute of Technology cover?
Employers will shape the WEIoT curriculum, and we are working closely with employers in the following sectors:
- Digital
- Health
- Advanced Engineering
We are also able to support employers delivering:
- Business process efficiencies
- Leadership and management
- Change management
- Project management
- Agile and creative thinking
- What are the benefits of studying at WEIoT?
As this is a partnership, we share a vision to combine our expertise to ensure a significant growth in the number and range of people able to acquire and utilise skills for our digital future. WEIoT will deliver digital capabilities to enable a distributed delivery model to extend learning beyond physical boundaries, supporting you to become the 'creators and makers' of the future.
- What facilities are available?
The WEIoT will possess incredible new facilities, that will support you across a range of industries, such as:
- State of the art cyber support
- Brand new welding facilities
- World class health care provision
- A virtual learning suite
- Access to employers' premises to access cutting edge technology and develop new skills
- A dedicated workspace for IoT learners to work in